What you need to know about Windows Insider Program, The benefit And Loss

 What is Windows Insider Program? - Hello friends how are you all hope you will all be great. Friends in today's post you will read what is the  "insider program of windows 10" should we be join or not join in this program and If you are join, what will be the benefits and what can be the harm it can do, all these things will be read in today's article and if you are interested in update windows 10, read this post carefully till the end because this post is going to be of great use to you.
[windows insider program benefits]

What is Windows Insider Program:

Friends, all this insider program is linked to the update of windows 10 window update you must know that our Windows 10 update 4-5 times a year. These updates come because Microsoft won't bring the next Windows like windows 11 or windows 12. Microsoft has said that we will run Windows 10 only if there is any problem or a new function add, they will add and fix through updates. 

Friends, when a Windows 10 update is coming up, this update is tested in many computers Microsoft before the lane in the market because if there is a problem or any change in this update, it will be known in advance. So that when the final update of Windows 10 comes into the market, the public praises it and these updates are perfect for all.

Friends, all the people who join testing all these Windows 10 updates come within the Windows insider program, which means that the jaw will also be windows 10 an update and if you are join in the windows insider program, you will get this update 6 months in advance. 

What is the Benefits of being Join in Windows 10 Insider Program:

 1. Latest Update on First - Friends If you join in Windows insider program, if an update to Windows 10 is coming up, you will get this update 6 months later or 8 months in advance, which will keep your computer updated more than a normal person's computer. windows insider program benefits

2. Bug Reporting - Friends you can also bug reporting it bug reporting means that whatever update of Windows 10 has been released and if you think there is a problem or some minor error in this update it should be corrected, you can directly tell the team of the Microsoft sir it should be corrected. windows insider program means

Friends, with this, you are also in touch with the team of Direct Microsoft in insider program. Direct contact means that you won't talk about calls, but you'll be more important than a normal man. windows insider app

3. Suggestion or Idea - Friends, you can Suggestion and Idea team Microsoft directly in it. You can tell the team all these things that should be there sir and add this new future in Windows.

4. Free Windows? - Friends, if you are join in insider program, Microsoft will give you free Windows because you are join in a program that improves Windows, so Microsoft do it, but friends, this scheme used to work some time ago, but today, when I am writing this post, it is not working, but if this scheme is turned on in future, You can take advantage of it. windows 10 insider preview latest build windows insider blog

What is the Loss of being join in Windows 10 insider program:

Friends, Now if you join in Windows insider program, it has its advantages but also some disadvantages. And you are very much aware of its disadvantages. 

1. Bug Risk - Friends The first and biggest disadvantage is that the risk of bug is very high, meaning if you are join in insider program, windows can have many minor problems. This is because the Windows version you are using perfect is running on testing mode.

  2. High Data Uses - This loss seems to be important for people who have an internet connection with a mobile because there will be an update of 500MB sometimes 4GB updates will come. Sometimes updates will come every fourth day, sometimes updates will come in a week or fifteen days and mobile people have limited data. But don't count these disadvantages for those who have an internet connection broadband because broadband people have unlimited data and a lot of speed data

3. Crash 3rd Party Apps - This means that we software in our computers separately such as:- Photoshop, VLC Media Player and Chrome etc. 3rd Party Apps speaks of software like these and Crash means that these 3rd Party software can suddenly stop at any time. This is because the windows you are using is currently working in the trial version. windows insider program not working

 4. Bluescreen Error - Friends, you may sometimes see Bluescreen Error in it. This means that your computer will suddenly Bluescreen on the go and it will have some error massage, then your computer will be switched off and then resumed.

Friends, please give me the view that whatever problem I have mentioned, it is only 1% of the work that I have mentioned, but it can happen, so I have mentioned this problem. windows insider program free windows 10

Insider Program should or should not have join:

Friends, I should join this insider program only if you have a good Internet connection and you do not do anything on the computer in which you are not harmed when the computer is suddenly switched off. Now, if you want to be join in insider program, how will you be able to do it, friends, this post has become very long so (How to Join windows Insider Program in (2021) Thank you for click this link and read it further.

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